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© 2024 Lykstage

LYKSTAGE Community Guidelines

LYKSTAGE (hereinafter the “Platform”) is committed to fostering a safe and positive environment for all users. To ensure a respectful and enjoyable experience for everyone, there are established LYKSTAGE Community Guidelines as mentioned herein below. By using the Platform, the User agrees to abide by these guidelines and contribute to a vibrant and inclusive community.

Keep in mind the Users’ compliance with the Community Guidelines will go hand in hand with the compliance of the Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy.

Community Guidelines
1. Respectful Conduct:
  • 1.1. Treat all users with respect, kindness, and empathy.
  • 1.2. Avoid engaging in personal attacks, harassment, or any form of bullying.
  • 1.3. Refrain from using hate speech, discriminatory language, or content that promotes violence or harm to others.
2. Intellectual Property and Copyright:
  • 2.1. Do not post or share content that infringes upon someone else's intellectual property rights, including copyrights, trademarks, and patents.
  • 2.2. Respect the copyrights and intellectual property of others, and only upload content that you own or have the right to share.
  • 2.3. Only upload content for which you own all the intellectual property rights or the content shall not be monetized. If the content does not get monetized for this specific reason, the User shall furnish document proof that they own the intellectual property of the content.
Prohibited Content

The following content is strictly prohibited on the Platform:

3.1. Adult or Sexually Explicit Material:

Guidelines for sexual content Please take a moment to read and understand them: To avoid being flagged: DON’T

  • 1. Post, share, or distribute images or videos of female breasts if they include the nipple, genitals, buttocks, or explicit depictions of clothed or unclothed genitals for sexual gratification.
  • 2. Post, share, or distribute photos or videos involving pornographic content, explicit sexual acts, intended for sexual gratification.
  • 3. Post, share, or distribute photos or videos involving violent, graphic, or humiliating fetish content or specific fetishes intended for sexual arousal or gratification.
  • 4. Post, share, or distribute photos or videos involving content that focuses on masturbation, usage of sex toys for sexual gratification, fondling or groping of genitals, breasts, or buttocks.
  • 5. Post, share, or distribute photos or videos involving nudity or partial nudity intended for sexual gratification is prohibited.
  • 6. Post, share, or distribute content involving promotion or depiction of bestiality or incest.
  • 7. Post, share, or distribute photos or videos promoting or depicting non-consensual sex acts.
  • 8. Post, share, or distribute photos or videos involving content of celebrity wardrobe accidents or nude photo leaks.
  • 9. Post, share, or distribute photos or videos pertaining to any sexual content involving minors is strictly prohibited.
Policy on Sexual Solicitation
  • Content that offers or asks for adult commercial services, similar to requesting, offering, or asking for a rate for companion or escort services and paid sexual or domination services.
  • Content that recruits or offers other people for third-party commercial coitus work.
  • Attempted coordination or collaboration of or recruitment for adult sexual activities, except when promoting an event or venue, including, but not limited to:
    • Filmed sexual activities
    • Pornographic activities, strip club shows, live sex performances, or erotic dances
    • Sexual, erogenous, or tantric massages.
  • Explicit sexual solicitation by, including, but not limited to, the following, offering or asking for:
    • Offering or asking for coitus or sexual mates (including mates who partake and share fetish or sexual interests)
    • Sex chat or exchanges
    • Nude photos/videos/imagery/sexual fetish items.
    • Sexual slang terms.
3.2. Content that promotes or glorifies illegal activities, violence, self-harm, or suicide.

To avoid being flagged, do not post content:

  • Threats that could result in death (and other very serious forms of violence) and acknowledgments of past violence directed at people or places where the threat is defined by any of the following:
    • Intentions of serious violence. This includes content where the symbol represents an object and/or contains a visual weapon or method that depicts violence.
    • Requires extreme violence, including content where the target is not specified, but the symbol indicates the target and/or contains a visual weapon or method that depicts violence.
    • Statements that incite serious violence.
    • Statements admitting to committing high-severity violence (in written or verbal form, or visually depicted by a perpetrator).
  • Content that asks for, offers, or admits to offering services of high-severity violence (for example, hitmen, mercenaries, assassins, female genital mutilation) or advocates for the use of these services.
  • Admissions, statements of intent, or advocacy, calls to action, or aspirational or conditional statements to kidnap or abduct a target or that promote, support, or advocate for kidnapping or abduction.
  • Content that depicts kidnappings or abductions if it is clear that the content is not being shared by a victim or their family as a plea for help, or shared for informational, condemnation, or awareness-raising purposes.
  • Threats of high-severity violence using digitally produced or altered imagery to target living people with armaments, methods of violence, or dismemberment.

We remove or ban individuals and/or entities focused on sharing content relating to:

  • Organizing or advocating for violence against civilians, repeatedly dehumanizing or advocating for harm against people based on protected characteristics, or engaging in systematic criminal operations.
  • Praise, substantive support, and representation of entities involving terrorism and being of inciteful nature, as well as their leaders, founders, or prominent members.
  • In addition, we do not allow content that praises, substantively supports, or represents events that LYKSTAGE designates as violating violent events – including terrorist attacks, hate events, multiple-victim violence, or attempted multiple-victim violence, serial murders, or hate crimes.
3.3. Misinformation or content that may cause harm, fear, or confusion to users.

To avoid spreading misinformation or causing harm, fear, or confusion, refrain from posting content that:

  • Contains false or misleading information that may deceive or misinform users.
  • Promotes conspiracy theories, hoaxes, or unverified claims.
  • Spreads fear or panic without credible evidence.
  • Encourages harmful behaviors or actions based on false premises.
3.4. Graphic or gratuitously violent content.

We prohibit the posting of graphic or gratuitously violent content, including but not limited to:

  • Images, videos, or text depicting extreme violence or gore.
  • Content that glorifies or celebrates violence.
  • Depictions of physical harm, injury, or mutilation.
  • Scenes of torture, brutality, or cruelty towards humans or animals.
3.5. Content that invades privacy or reveals sensitive personal information of others without consent.

Protect the privacy of others by refraining from posting content that:

  • Discloses sensitive personal information, such as addresses, phone numbers, or financial details, without consent.
  • Shares private communications or conversations without permission.
  • Posts images or videos of individuals in private or compromising situations without their consent.
3.6. Content that promotes or supports terrorism, hate groups, or extremist ideologies.

We do not tolerate content that promotes or supports terrorism, hate groups, or extremist ideologies, including:

  • Explicit endorsements or encouragement of violent extremist groups or ideologies.
  • Propaganda or recruitment material for terrorist organizations or hate groups.
  • Content that advocates for discriminatory practices or ideologies based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, or other protected characteristics.
3.7. Child Safety

We prioritize the safety and well-being of all users, especially children. Therefore, our policies strictly prohibit any actions or content that may endanger them or promote inappropriate themes, including:

  • Inappropriate interaction directed at children, such as groping or caressing.
  • Child grooming, which involves befriending children online to facilitate sexual contact or exchange of sexual imagery.
  • Sexualization of minors through imagery or content that encourages or promotes their sexual abuse or exploitation.
  • Sextortion, including threats or blackmailing using a child's intimate images.
  • Trafficking of children, including any solicitation for commercial sexual exploitation.
  • Content targeting children but containing adult themes, such as excessive violence, harmful activities, or promotion of negative body image, is also prohibited.
4. Privacy and Safety:

To ensure privacy and safety for all users, please adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Respect the privacy of others and refrain from sharing personal information about individuals, including contact details and private addresses.
  • Avoid engaging in activities that may harm the security or integrity of the Platform or its users.
5. Impersonation and Misrepresentation:

Impersonation and misrepresentation are not tolerated on the Platform. Please follow these guidelines:

  • Do not impersonate others or create accounts with the intent to deceive or mislead.
  • Provide accurate information when creating an account or profile.
  • Users found misrepresenting their information, impersonating someone else, spamming, or misleading other users will be dealt with according to the procedures outlined in the Terms of Service.
6. Spam and Misleading Content:

Spamming and distributing misleading or deceptive content are prohibited on the Platform. Please adhere to these guidelines:

  • Do not engage in spamming or use the Platform to distribute misleading or deceptive content.
7. Reporting and Enforcement:

To uphold these guidelines and maintain a safe environment, please follow these procedures:

  • If you encounter content that violates these guidelines, report it immediately using our designated reporting tools.
  • Our Content Moderation team will promptly investigate all reports and take appropriate actions against violators, including content removal, warnings, temporary suspension, or permanent account termination.
8. Age Restrictions:

Users must adhere to the age restrictions outlined in our Terms of Service. Please note the following:

  • Individuals below the specified minimum age requirement are not allowed to use the Platform.
  • Appropriate parental or guardian supervision is required for users under 18 years of age.
9. Compliance with Laws:

Users are expected to comply with all applicable laws and regulations while using the Platform.

10. Conclusion:

Thank you for being a valued member of the LYKSTAGE community and contributing to a positive and respectful environment. The Platform reserves the right to update these Community Guidelines as necessary to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all users. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in content removal or enforcement actions against the user's account.

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